Course Curriculum

    1. PioneerU™ Code of Ethics

    2. Onboarding for PioneerU™

    3. Book Your 1:1 Calls with a Pioneer Mentor™

    1. Why you should create a paid live or virtual event

    1. How to choose your event idea and set the right price

    1. Brainstorm your event

    2. How to create the checkout page to sell your event without a salespage

    3. How to create the PDF to sell your event without a salespage

    1. How to market your event

    1. How to get people to attend the live or virtual event

About this course

  • €24,24
  • 11 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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4 star rating


Julie Nelson

Love this information, I know I can go over this as often as I feel to

Love this information, I know I can go over this as often as I feel to

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