Multi-Million Masterpiece Challenge
Receive Multi-Million Payments in the Most Pleasurable Way and Out-Success Your Wildest Multi-Million Masterpiece in 30 Days
Pioneer Code of Life
Onboarding for PioneerU™
Day 1 - Out-Success Your Multi-Million Goal in 30 Days
Day 2 - With Maximum Effectiveness But Minimal Effort
Day 3 - Spoiled Beyond Anything You Could Ask For
Day 4 - Rest in Receiving Everything That Is Too Good But True in the Most Pleasurable Way
Day 5 - Provisioned to Overflow
Day 6 - Welcome to Multi-Dimensional Victory
Day 7 - Co-Create Multi-Million Payments from the Pulse of Raw Creation
Day 8 - Burn to Ashes What Must Die
Day 9 - Uncover Your Non-Negotiable Truth
Day 10 - Exit Struggle, Overwhelm and Burnout
Day 11 - Expand Beyond What Your Mind Can Imagine to Out-Success Your #MultiMillionMasterpiece
Day 12 - Rest in the Void of Nothingness
Day 13 - Surrender to Unconditional Receiving Beyond Your Dreams
Day 14 - Ignore All Distractions by Eliminating the How
Day 15 - All Open Loops and Cycles Are Completed Now
Day 16 - Materialize Instantly by Becoming Timeless
Day 17 - Enjoy the Activated Synchronous Vortex
Day 18 - Step into Pioneer Mastery™ to Out-Success Your Big Vision
Day 19 - What If...
Day 20 - Multi-Million Masterpiece Completion
Day 21 - What's Next?
Pioneer Expansion Process for Instant Materialization of the Right Next Steps
Pioneer Offerings
Standing in the Fire