Course curriculum

    1. Define Your Pioneer Core Costumer

    2. Pioneer Marketing™ Essentials

    3. Pioneer Marketing™ Buyers Journey

    4. Cellular Shifting Content To Sign #100KMASTERPIECE Clients Every Month

    1. Use FB Groups To Grow Your Friends List

    2. Cancel Pending Friends Requests

    3. Reach Out To New FB Friends

    4. Repurposing Content To Post In Other FB Groups

    5. Grow Your Audience And Convert Them Into Raving Fans

    6. Continue To Fill Your Pipeline With Hot Leads

    7. Grow A List Of Eager Readers And Buyers

    8. How To Distribute Content On Facebook Using Your Facebook Group, Personal and Public Profile

    1. Linkedin Profile Structure

    2. Setup Your LinkedIn Profile With A Banner, Picture And Title

    3. How To Post On LinkedIn

    1. Grow A Highly Engaged And Profitable Community

About this course

  • €30,30
  • 16 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content