Course Curriculum

    1. PioneerU™ Code of Ethics

    2. Onboarding for PioneerU™

    1. Welcome Prayer

    2. Cultivate A Conscious Relationship With All Of Life

    3. The Activated, Synchronous Vortex

    1. The Five Elements of the Life-Force

    2. Protect and Nourish Your Life Force

    3. The Grounded, Nourishing Empowerment

    1. Disempower The Basic Human Illusions to Own Your Truth

    2. Raise the Bar for Your Standards

    3. Integration, Upleveling, Strategy

    1. July 13th, 2021 - Part #1 Preparation for the Warrior Activation Ceremony

    2. July 13th, 2021 - Part #2 Ceremony in Nature to Activate the Warrior

    1. July 29th, 2021 - Part #1 Preparation for the Reclaim Your Power Ceremony

    2. July 29th, 2021 - Part #2 Reclaim Your Power Ceremony

About this course

  • €16,16
  • 24 lessons
  • 6 hours of video content